I really enjoyed our field trip this week. Getting a closer look at the recycling process was very interesting. I always assumed that if it is recyclable and thrown into the blue bins it would be recycled. Watching the sorting process and seeing recyclables wasted is definitely sad. I understand the economics of it, but I just wish that there was more that can be done to reduce waste. I am still confused on a few items that can or cannot be recycled; such as bags(food bags, packaging, etc..). I think that there needs to be some sort of legislation that streamlines the recycling industry. Make the process’ the same everywhere. All of the differences make it difficult and confusing for the general public and my guess is reduces usage rates for recycling programs.
When I was young my parents were very good at not wasting anything and I think that attitude was passed down to me. I usually try and think about NEEDS and not WANTS. This ideal has always helped me to think about my purchases. After the week where we went to the landfill and briefly discussed consumerism and the effect it has on waste and then seeing the recycling facility I am more aware of my overall waste. I just want to be better at wasting less and finding ways to get the very most out of what I do use and buy.